UAE MOFA Payments

The UAE Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) is responsible for the attestation of documents for UAE residents and foreign nationals. To process payments for these attestation services, you can use the MOFA payment system through authorized agents such as the UAE Chamber of Commerce.

UAE MOFA Information

The UAE Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) is a key government institution overseeing the legalization and attestation of documents for official and legal purposes. This service is essential for verifying the authenticity of documents to be used in the UAE or abroad. The UAE embassies and consulates worldwide only accept payments for document certification through the UAE MOFA or through an authorized office, such as the MOFA UAE.

Do It Yourself – UAE MOFA Attestation Electronic Payment

  1. Follow this link: UAE MOFA Electronic Service Application and fill out the required form.

  2. The UAE MOFA will charge an attestation fee, typically around $556.00 plus 6% international payment total of $589.5 per document for all business documents and around $42 plus 6% international payment total of $45 for Personal documents and shipping documents.

  3. Print the payment receipt and include it with your document, then mail it to the UAE Embassy or Consulate.

Using the Services of the MOFA UAE

As an authorized agent, the MOFA UAE is officially recognized by the UAE Ministry of Foreign Affairs and its Consulates in the United States to process MOFA payment transactions on behalf of clients. The MOFA UAE simplifies the MOFA payment process for businesses and individuals.

How We Can Help

We are here to assist you with UAE MOFA payments and embassy legalization for all types of documents including business documents.

The document must be authenticated through the US Department of State.
The MOFA UAE will legalize all business and federal document documents with the UAE Embassy for a total fee of $650.00 per document.

Business - Federal issued documents

Examples: FDA documents, USDA documents ..etc.

Our Processing


The chamber will do the following:

  1. Certify the document from the court and secretary state of Maryland.
  2. Send the document to the embassy of UAE to be legalized.
  3. Affix the stamp of the MOFA UAE.
  4. Return the document to the customer.

The total fee is $720 Per document. Processing time is 35 business days.

Service Fee
Service fee $50
Maryland notary, court and state fees $15
U.S. Department of State fee $20
Embassy of UAE fee $600
U.S. Arab chamber of commerce stamp $35
Total Fees $720 Per document

The MOFA UAE will legalize all personal documents with the UAE Embassy for a total fee of $95.00 per document.

Personal documents certification using UAE Mofa Attestation service

All personal documents must be certified by the respective Secretary of State. This certification is required to have an attached page which contains the great seal of the Secretary of the State.
Examples: Birth Certificate, Marriage Certificate, Single Status, Divorce Certificate, Death Certificate, etc...

Our Processing

The chamber will do the following:

  1. Send the document to the embassy of UAE to be legalized.
  2. Return the document to the customer.

The total fee is $115 Per document. Processing time is 33 business days.

Service Fee
Service fee $50
U.S. Department of State fee $20
Embassy of UAE fee $45
Total Fees $115 Per document

If your document has not been authenticated from the US department of State, we can assist you through our partner,, to complete this process and ensure it is ready for MOFA submission.

We also provide support for commercial shipping documents such as Commercial Invoices, Certificates of Origin, and Packing Lists for use in the UAE. However, please note that your documents must be signed and notarized in order to be submitted through the MOFA payment website.

Commercial Documents : Commercial Invoice CI and Certificate of Origin CO to be used for shipping using UAE Mofa Attestation service

Examples: Invoices, Certificates of Origin, & Packing Lists


Our Processing

Documents must be signed and notarized.

The chamber will do the following:

  1. Affix the stamp of the Chamber of commerce fee.
  2. Send the document to the embassy of UAE to be legalized.
  3. Return the document to the customer.

The total fee is $260 Per document. Processing time is 9 business days.

Service Fee
Service fee $100
Chamber of commerce fee $70
Embassy of UAE for Commercial Invoice $45
Embassy of UAE for Certificate Of Origin $45
Total Fees $260 Per document